Arijit Gupta

Natural Language Processing | Computational Linguistics


About Me

I'm a postgraduate student at The University of Sheffield studying Speech and Langauge Processing. I love languages and how they interact with the human brain. My research interests lie in Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics. My goal is to leverage computational and linguistics findings on knowledge transfer, language acquisition and lexical building in order to help machines and human understand languages better.

If I'm not doing a project then I love to listen to music, play video games, read books and go on hikes. I'm always up for a project, so don't think twice about dropping me a message.

Work Experience

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Microsoft IDC, Hyderabad

Software Engineer Intern - -

Part of the Microsoft Search, Assistance and Intelligence Team.

  • Added end-to-end pipelines for new voice commands in state-of-the-art conversational bot.
  • Implemented easily migratable, functional code as the framework was being given a revamp to be less dependent on APIs.
c# javascript azure reactjs
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Microsoft IDC, Hyderabad

Software Engineer Intern - -

Worked in the E+D group, specifically in the IC3 team as a front-end developer.

  • Migrated existing static website to a dynamic frontend and deployed it on Azure.
  • Integrated ReactJS pages to work with .NET MVC project and made migration of future pages easier.
c# javascript azure reactjs
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Tessellate Imaging

Machine Learning Intern - -

Was a part of the open source team of Tessellate Imaging's MonkAI, which is a low code deep learning tool and wrapper for computer vision.

  • Contributed in necessary documentation for the library to run on colab.
  • Helped in analysis and implementation of the hyperparameter analyser of the library by running experiments on a plant disease classification dataset.
python pytorch mxnet onnx
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Research Consultant - -

Built robust financial signals to detect arbitrage in international financial markets.

